Sunshine Yogurt Smoothie

172 kcal . 5 mins

Weight Management

Improves Digestion

Protien Rich

Protein rich
Quick prep

Serving size: Makes 1 glass
Preparation Time: 5 mins

  • Ā¾ cup low-fat yogurt
  • Ā½ cup Mango
  • 2 tsp flax seeds
  • 1 tsp honey or 1 tsp/2 drops of monk fruit sweetener
  • 2-3 cubes of ice (optional)
  • Blend all the above ingredients (except ice) in a blender.
  • Top it up with ice cubes as desired.
Nutritional Values per serving:
  • Calories 172 kcal
  • Protein 8 g
  • Fat 6 g
  • Carbs 22 g
  • Calcium 140 mg
  • Fibre 3g
  • Iron 1 mg
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