Low GI Rice Kheer

178 kcal . 25 mins

Diabetic friendly

Protien Rich


Calcium Rich

  • 1tbsp Selfcares’ low GI rice
  • 300ml milk
  • 1tsp date syrup or monk fruit sweetener
  • 2 almonds chopped
  • 1/2 tsp chironji seeds
  • 2-3 slivers of kesar
  • 1/4th tsp elaichi powder
  1. Wash and rinse 1tbsp rice
  2. Heat ghee in Kadhai, lightly sauté the rice
  3. Add 300ml of milk to the pan and let it boil. Add cardamom powder and 2 slivers of saffron.
  4. Keep boiling for 15-20min till the rice is cooked and milk thickens, with occasional stir.
  5. Switch off the flame, add a tsp of date syrup, mix and let it cool.
  6. Garnish with almonds and chironji seeds.
Values for 1 serving
  • calories 178 kcal
  • protein 6 gm
  • fat 11 gm
  • carbs 15 gm
  • calcium 189 mg
  • fibre 0.2 gm
  • iron 0.7 mg
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