Khakhra Pizza

203 kcal . 5 mins


Quick and Easy

Serves 1

  • 1 SelfCare’s gluten-free jowar khakhra
  • 3 tbsp black beans (canned)
  • ½ medium onion, sliced
  • 1 tsp mixed herbs,
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • 5 lettuce leaves, chopped
  • 2 tbsp salsa/pizza sauce
  • Salt as per taste
  1. In a small bowl mix the beans, herbs, paprika and salt.
  2. Spread the salsa or the pizza sauce over the khakhra.
  3. Top with sliced onions and herbed beans.
  4. Garnish with lettuce.
Nutritional Values (per serving):
  • Calories 203 kcal
  • Protein 7g
  • Fat 6 g
  • Carbs 29 g
  • Calcium 35 mg
  • Fibre 5 g
  • Iron 2 mg
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